
2023 USGAA Hurling D National Champions

It’s our 3rd year of competition and Cleveland Hurling had an amazing championship season. First, we traveled to Indianapolis for their traditional tournament. Cleveland was able to defeat a few teams from the Heartland Division and faced off against St. Louis for our first Major win in our short history. Our next massive victory came when we knocked off Pittsburgh from our own Division. Pitt had been kings of the mountain for years, but we defeated them at the Midwest Division Finals to become the NEW Kings of the Midwest! Cleveland’s second team was able to defeat Albany for the Hurling D Championship.

We then traveled to Denver for the USGAA Finals. We had qualified for the USGAA Finals all three of our years in competition, and even made it the Championship at one of them. Once again, we found our way to the final defeating Raleigh, NC to become the 2023 USGAA Hurling D National Champs!

Brief History

Hurling is one of the oldest field games in the world and is popular for at least 3000 years in Ireland with the first literary reference dating back to 1272 BC.

Hurling is often referenced in Irish myths and legends, the most famous of which has to be the early account found in the Táin Bo Cuailgne, a legendary tale from early Irish literature, which describes the exploits of the Ulster hero Cú Chullainn, (literally Hound of Cullen) who was so named after killing a fierce guard dog by driving a hurling ball down its throat. Such stories often portray Hurling as a form of martial training and proficiency on the Hurling field was equated with skill in battle. Throughout the countryside, Hurling thrived as a wild and often violent practice with few set rules. One 17th century account describes the game as being played on a plain about 200-300 yards long, with victory going to the first team to drive the ball through the goal of the opponent.

Hurling is fast-paced like Lacrosse, requires the same level of hand-eye coordination as baseball, and has the toughness of hockey, all in one sport.

About Us

In 2024 we look to keep growing the teams and we are looking for others to join us in this wonderful sport. Hurling builds character and requires incredible courage. Our team so far is made up of seasoned veterans and people brand new to the sport. We welcome men regardless of whatever your skill level is. All first-year recruits do not have to worry about equipment, all you need is a pair of cleats (boots) and the desire to compete in this fast-paced game. We try and have practice twice a week, and we enjoy playing against other local teams throughout the Midwest and beyond. We have an amazing group of ladies and men on our teams.

I encourage you to reach out to us and join something truly special here in Cleveland!

Click Here for the New Player Questionnaire

Coach Damon Margida
Contact Damon